Some Good Clean Fun - Youth Fundraiser Pizza Rap

Hey everyone!  Our church youth group is having a fundraiser on Monday, September 28th and they have made a hilarious video to promote it.  I thought I would share the video with you here.  It's just some good clean fun...and a good laugh.

The teenage rapper is my beautiful niece...and the ADORABLE toothless girl who stole the show is also my niece.  The beautiful blonde teenager is a Finnish foreign exchange student currently living with my husband's family and she is rapping in Finnish.  The rap lyrics were written by my sister-in-law.  And the fabulous pizza singing is done by my husband's very talented cousin.

I just thought you would enjoy it!  And if you're in our area and want to stop by and buy a pizza to support our youth, don't forget to bring your flyer, which you can download by clicking HERE.

Hope this brought a little smile to your face on this very beautiful Sunday.  And until next time, I hope you have a fabulous day! 

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